Q: How do I order goods?

A: You can first browse our website to find out the goods. You can add the items you need to the shopping cart directly on our website, and then place an order.

Q: Please tell me why I am shopping here?

A: We only sell original goods:

We have a clear price. The price of all self-operated products is truthfully disclosed on the website page. No bargaining. The sales price is automatically calculated with the purchase price change. The price is more transparent and reasonable.

We have 3,000 square meters warehouse and more than 30,000 kinds of spot self-operated inventory. Specializing in component unpacking and selling

We provide spot. Ordering and purchasing services. If the stock is insufficient, we provide ordering service. If there is no product in my mall, we provide purchasing service.

We support retail. Wholesale. Solve the problem of sample procurement, support retail, sell one dollar. One-stop shopping mall.

Q: I like your products very much. I have bought a lot, but how have they been out of stock? Will not be set?

A: Due to the large amount of purchases by customers on the website, the goods may be out of stock at any time. You can choose the goods you need. I offer ordering. Purchasing service.

The ordering service refers to the record of the goods on the mall, but the inventory is insufficient. The source network provides the ordering service.
Purchasing service means that there is no record of this product in our mall. Veswin Electronic Network provides purchasing service.

Q: Can all products be purchased only on the website?

A: All the items found on the website are available for purchase. If it is in stock, we can ship the goods on the same day. If there is no stock, we can help with the order. If you need the goods we don't have in the mall, we can help with the purchase.

Q: Why do you want to register as a member?

A: Only registered members can order in the mall and enjoy the preferential price.
Only registered members can log in to the "Member Center" and use more member shopping features to manage their own information.
Only registered members are likely to receive our gifts or cash coupons.

Q: What should I do if I forget my password?

A: When you forget your password, please log in to the registration page and click "Forgot Password". The system will automatically tell you your password by email. You can log in to the "Member Center" to change your password to ensure your interests.

Q: What is the score? what's the effect?
A: The level of the points only reflects your attention and support. Our points are accumulated through product orders. For high score customers, we will have certain rewards to give back to our customers.